Discover Leman Mountains Explore With EVA'D bikes

The ÉVA’D network of the Pays d’Évian – Vallée d’Abondance community of municipalities offers short- and long-term bicycle rental services. Discover our two offers, according to your needs.

Velo Evad 2Velo EVA'D
Unusual transport

Self-service rental is via the Fredo app, available on Android and iPhone.
Bikes are available and accessible without operator intervention. With the Fredo app, all you have to do is automatically unlock a bike and return it to a dedicated terminal at the end of your trip.

With ÉVA’DÉLO electric bikes, you can travel at speeds of up to 25 km/h and tackle the hills effortlessly.

ÉVA'Délo Your local bike rental service

Where can I find bikes?

Three self-service stations are available in the area:

  • Evian-les-Bains: Tourist Office parking lot, level 2. 21 bikes are available for hire at this station.
  • Publier: Cité de l’Eau (next to the sports center). 8 bikes are available at this station.
  • Saint Gingolph: Tourist Information Office. 8 bikes are available at this station.

Use the application to find out if bikes are available at any of these 3 locations.

Vttae ChampeillantVttae Champeillant
©Vttae Champeillant
Cycling: a must!

I use it every day to give my car a rest. As soon as you feel your calves starting to give out, you’re on your fifth!

Alice, Vinzier resident

I'm won over
