See morePhoto of the village of Abondance©Village Abondance |Marie EL HAJALWhere to stay in Abondance?Viaferrata Abondance ©Viaferrata Abondance |Gilles LansardAgenda of the weekAbondance chapel ©Abondance chapel What to do in La Chapelle d’AbondanceWinter Leman Mountains Festival - Abondance©Winter Leman Mountains Festival - Abondance|www.jyhell.comAll agendaGentianettes Spa ©Gentianettes Spa WellnessLakeside restaurant©Lakeside restaurantAll our restaurantsLes Cornettes La Chapelle d'Abondance©Les Cornettes La Chapelle d'Abondance|Marie EL HAJALAltitude restaurantsWinter Leman Mountains Festival - Abondance©Winter Leman Mountains Festival - Abondance|www.jyhell.comMajor eventsBernex - Tante Marie ©Bernex - Tante Marie All accommodationsAbbey of Abondance©Village Abondance |Marie EL HAJALWhat to do in AbondanceDistillerie Bernex ©Distillerie Bernex |OT PEVAWhere to eat in BernexRefuge Des Tinderets Abondance ©Refuge Des Tinderets Abondance |Yvan TisseyreShelters